We celebrated five baptisms this past Sunday, two infants, one 3rd grader and two adults. Baptism is "a visible sign of invisible grace." We know God's love belongs to us through grace, nothing we do earns or deserves it. We in the reformed tradition believe that God's grace is already at work in us before we do anything, including say we want to be baptized/saved/repent...insert your term here. Baptism reminds us, in powerful, visual, ways that God is indeed at work reconciling us to Godself and to each other.
The act of baptizing an infant, listening to parental and congregational promises to nurture that child in the faith, brings me to tears every time. Watching two young men kneel before their family (biological and congregational) and receive the sacrament of baptism, listening to the pastor invite them to rise with Christ into the abundant life and then challenge us to look and see what God is doing in our midst...well, let's just say I needed stock in Kleenex.
Sunday's most powerful act of reconciliation was enormously small. Our precious third grader, in a sweet little white dress, glowing from the excitement and anticipation, stood on the chancel with one hand nestled in her mother's hand, and the other nestled in her father's. Not unexpected...until you know that her parents recently divorced. I know divorce. My parents went through divorce. My friends have been through divorce. My family has been through divorce. Its always tough, and it can be ugly. Reconciliation is far from anyone's mind.
One hand nestled in her mother's hand. One hand nestled in her father's. Together the parents promised to nurture her blossoming faith. Together they stood with their child. Together they held her hands. Together they smiled and prayed and blessed their daughter more than they will ever know...perhaps more than she will ever know.
I know divorce. I know God's love. I know God's reconciling love was present in the act of two parents who sacrificed themselves for their child. Look and see, indeed, what God is doing in our midst!
Thank you Beth! It was a beautiful day for all of us!