Lot of studying in the prophets this semester. That means a lot of "put your money where your mouth is" talk. Prophets consistently and demandingly insist on doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with your God. So daughter number two comes in on Friday and says a friend of hers from school will be homeless as of Saturday and she invited him to stay with us.
Immediately my brain kicks into protective mother mode. Is the guy trustworthy? Is he one of those weird adults who always lives in crisis and will he stretch a weekend into weeks or years? Is it safe for my 80 year old mother? for us? for my daughter?
On the other hand, I'm thinking we should respond to the need. We have the space. Maybe God is calling.
Protective mother mode...
Responsive person of faith mode...
Protective mother...
Responsive person...
Then Dad gets in on the act. At least all my thoughts were in my head. What actually came out of my mouth was "do what you think is right." His thoughts were coming out his mouth...and they were all the same concerns I had. But they sounded even worse when I heard them. Such an ability we humans have to rationalize and justify. I couldn't see how we could refuse. So let him come...
Turns out he got his permanent housing from the school at the last minute and didn't need to come. But in worship Sunday morning the call to worship has us saying that we're willing to give up our fear if Jesus calls.
I'm reminded especially this weekend, that a life of obedient faith requires risk and trust. Perhaps not stupidity, but openness to what the world might consider foolishness.
And then there was a tornado...go figure.
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