It ended last night...and Grace (yes, with a capital G) abounded. Here are precious moments that graced me:
1. Our youngest, Caroline (14 mths), was fascinated with the huge mural of Noah and family disembarking the Ark on the wall of the fellowship hall. It has been there for years and many of us who have seen it day in and day out for years, love it, but don't pay much attention to it. If she was in the room, she was at the mural. Look, a rabbit, an alligator, people, clouds. She entertained us...she reminded us of the beauty that graces our lives...she was entranced by the story in living color. "Come as a little child."
2. My oldest daughter remarked on the way home from the last night that being a kid at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church was like having your faith nurtured by one set of parents and 20 naughty uncles (and aunts) who loved to spend all their time playing with you...she is right...and they also hold you accountable, teach you all they know, and love you no matter what!
3. We studied the Bible and laughed til we pictures of this...we were too busy studying and laughing...
5. Three generations together in yet to appear...
6. Good friends...
7. Generations...
8. Hearts and hands for service...(weeding the garden at Northwood School to get it ready for the kids return)
9. Silliness...
10. More silliness...
And at the end...our faith grows...our community thrives...our blessings abound. Amazing Grace, indeed!
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