One conversation that spins around the question of tithing (giving 10% "back" to God in gratitude for all you have been given) is "we set aside 10% for charitable giving...but we give it to several places; the church is one of those places."
The overarching question, I think, is who we are...our identity. We are the people of God. God chooses to be in relationship with us. I believe God chooses to be in relationship with all people, but not everyone recognizes that. Those of us who choose to respond to God's initiative define ourselves and are defined as the people of God. We are chosen not to be set above the world, but to be God's servants in the world, to bring the love of God to the world, to allow God's blessings to be seen by the world. And it is our we live that defines our identity to the world.
If, for us, the people of God, giving to the church, to our community of faith, is only one in a list of competing causes, we have not responded faithfully to God's call. Many people in this world do good things. God is involved in all that good. But they do not do good to point to God. They have forgotten or refuse to acknowledge God as the author of all good. Good is assigned to their choices or the organization which they serve.
If church is one in a list of many things, and the people of God do not support the church because they are supporting other causes, who picks up the slack? Folks who are not the "people of God" are not going to add "church" to their lists of causes because church people contribute to the United Way. When is the last time a church got a pledge from an unchurched neighbor because they heard the church's budget was under funded or the church needed resources for a new youth ministry.
We are certainly called to do good in the world. But we, the people of God, are called to first respond to God. God is our first and highest priority. God does not ask to be one in a list of many good causes. God gives us undeserved grace and mercy. We have blessings beyond measure. God knows how God wants to partner with us. Obedience to God's vision provides all that is needed to do God's work in the world.
First priority or one in a list of good causes? Who are we?
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