Monday, December 6, 2010

The Wise Men...

The wise men came from the East -- having shopped in Greensboro and Winston-Salem all day.  And upon being exhausted with Christmas shopping for the babe in the manger, and while listening to the National Public Radio as they prepared the evening meal, behold they were amazed by the proclamation that one could shop the internet with only a few clicks of a mouse. 
            “Verily, I say unto you,” the announcer cried.  “No longer will you toil and curse the mall in which you shop.  No longer will your feet cry out for mercy.  No longer will impulse buying cause the balance in your checkbook to offend you.   Click in the age and gender of the person for whom an offering is desired.  The website will bless you with a multitude of options wanted by all people that age and gender.  And you will be forever comforted in your time of tribulation.”
            The wise men were no fools.  Immediately they caused the microwave to cease and the table was not laid.  Hearkening to the announcer’s voice, they went forth to the computer and made haste on the internet highway.  They gathered their bounty and rejoiced.
            No more would it be necessary to spend time with people to learn what they enjoyed.  No more would conversation flow disrupt time spent with the holy television or the sacred video game.  No more would hearts agonize about the perfect offering -- the wisdom of the computer would provide.  And if, perchance, a gift was unacceptable, return shipping was free and the blame could be placed on the retail systems analyst.
            The holy text was modified to read, “It is more blessed to give than to receive....if the giving requires little or nothing from the giver.”  And night fell on the wise men.

1 comment:

  1. Your wisdom and creativity continues to bless me. Thanks, Beth.
