Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's Not a Secret...

Occasionally, there occur these moments during the worship of God that are so amazing we really should just say Amen! and go home.  We don't usually, of course, but perhaps we should.

All the children came up for the Easter children's sermon, a wiggling mass of small humanity eager to see what wisdom their adult has on this particular day.  The adult, knowing he really doesn't possess the magical wisdom expected, begins to sweat as he faces the crowd.

So, the adult announces he has a story to tell...and though he tells lots of stories...this one is "really true."  He saw the women coming from the tomb. They said Jesus was not there..."He is risen!"  The women were right...Jesus was risen!  This was such big news, he says, that it changed the world...and changed all the people who know Jesus was risen.  So they begin to greet each other with the phrase...He is Risen!  It was kind of like a "secret handshake."  If the person they greeted was also a follower of Jesus, they would reply "He is Risen, Indeed!"  Let's try it out, says the adult...secret we go...

Walks up to the first child, sticks out hand, says "The Lord is Risen!"  Coaches the child to respond, "He is Risen, Indeed!"  Great says the adult...let's try it again.  Done.  Third time he says "secret handshake"... third kid replies with great exasperation..."It's not a secret any more."

So what can you say?  Absolutely's not a secret any more!  This kid was a theological genius, speaking what we so often forget.  It's not a secret any more!

We still often act like it is...we don't talk about our faith.  We don't give credit for resurrection/rebirth/ reconciliation where credit is due...preferring to recognize our own ability when things go well, and reserving the right to blame God when things go poorly.  I've often wondered what happened in the first century when the greeting was extended, but not returned by the other person.  Did they get "huh?"  or "crazy Christians" or some other even less enthusiastic "I'm reporting you to the authorities!"

The bottom line is it really doesn't matter what the response is.  The phrase "The Lord is Risen" is way more than a secret handshake, way more than a greeting between two Christians.  It is a fundamental reshaping of the whole world...whether the world is ready or willing or not.  It shakes the very foundations of our existence, those that say money is power, power is ours, we are the most important, look out for number one, might makes right...and on and on. "The Lord is Risen" means God wins...that all other powers and principalities are put on notice that God's will will be accomplished, that their days of assumed control are numbered.

The Lord is Risen.  It is a dangerous phrase.  Use it carefully.  It changes the world, beginning with the person who voices it.

The Lord is Risen...He is Risen Indeed.

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