Week Two: Gifts for God's People...

Luke 2:40
Superman Jesus is our primary image. We visualize a perfect infant, perfect child, perfect teen...and then, of course, the perfect man. In our imaginations, the voice is never raised, the nose is never picked, the tantrum is never thrown.
So is Jesus fully human as well as fully divine? The answer has to be yes...we shouldn’t battle millennia of really good theology which has determined the full humanity of Jesus. But we also shouldn’t assume that is wasn’t a process. Luke reminds us that it was...because the development--physical, emotional, spiritual--of every human is a process. Lee Richie shares his development story:
In my life, I have found that most of my gifts have come fairly easily--at least the things that others say I have a talent for such as dealing with numbers, card games, or singing. All these gifts developed early in my youth. One in particular developed much more recently.
My first efforts at public speaking were in elementary school. You remember “Show and Tell.” It seemed harmless, but I would be almost physically sick the night before and right after the event. Other trying moments came in Mrs. Faye’s high school senior English class. I was sure that I would pass out and shook like a leaf, but I lived to have to do it again.
In my thirties, I worked for an engineering company in Hazard, KY. As a project manager responsible for the planning and development of civil engineering projects, one of my duties was to present projects and progress reports to clients, agencies and government bodies. Though initially nervous, I because accustomed to these presentations.I often wonder if Jesus struggled with what he was asked to do. I remember the story of turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana. “Really, Mom? You expect me to be able to fix this? I’m just a carpenter!” I think far more likely than just being perfect, step by step got Jesus where he needed to be.
The fear returned when I began to lead worship in Hazard. That first worship service brought back every horrible feeling and physical response. It took a substantial amount of prayer and Bible study...and just doing it...to change my response. God seemed to be asking that I spend time in preparation and prayer, and that I bring joy, love, and caring to my offering of spoken leadership to God and God’s church. It was no longer about me, it was about God. I continue to be blessed in this gift of service God has given to me.
Recently, an article in the Huffington Post (Are We Raising a Generation of Helpless Kids) talked about the struggles our young adults have because they can’t start at the top of the heap, at the pinnacle of their game. They see anything but complete success as failure. We have told them they are special for so long, they don’t understand the hard work that accomplishes larger goals.
Our faith journey is often one of small steps and seemingly insignificant practices. Over time, however, the gift is great. Each of us “grows and becomes strong,” especially in the community of faith which pushes us and moves us beyond our personal preferences and comfort zones.
God, call us to new service. Grow us in the ways that make us strong. Grant us your wisdom and favor, this and every day. Amen.
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