Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Radical Hospitality...Use Your Words

I've been ranting about this for years...but don't have the degree in neuroscience or the ability to read a brain scan to prove it. But now, a guy is proving it, so I feel somewhat vindicated. Though I also feel like a hand-on-the-hip-duhhhhh. However, that would be inhospitable...

Our language shapes who we are. As people of God, do you go to "church" or do you go to "worship." I went to church as a kid, but my husband-the-preacher challenged that. Our family went to "worship." It changes the inevitable middle school conversation about not wanting to go to church. It's a harder argument to make that you just don't feel like worshipping God. (Please note, I didn't say they wouldn't make the argument...it's just harder.) I can attest to the change in me as I "worship" instead of "going."

Are you doing a job or answering a call? Are you running a church or partnering in ministry?

Thinking about our fundamental call to hospitality and the radical hospitality of God in which we are invited to participate, I think we are challenged to be aware of our language. Language that stereotypes groups of people, violent language focused at other people, language that reflects that a person is unworthy in any way undermines radical hospitality.

The difficulty of this is astounding. We are so steeped in language that twists our relationships, rips us apart, that we often aren't even aware. I loved the sitcom MASH in the seventies. Watching it now, I am horrified at the way women were portrayed and treated. The most competent nurse is "Hot Lips." I've probably just proved my point.

Perhaps we are called to be more aware of how we use our words...

For a blogger, that's a disconcerting thought.

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