Friday, June 20, 2014

A Vote for Change and Trust in the Sovereign God...

Many Presbyterians considered yesterday a momentous occasion when the General Assembly of the PC(USA) voted on an Authoritative Interpretation that allows clergy to marry same gender couples in states where that is legal. They also voted to change the definition of marriage in the Book of Order from between "a man and woman" to "between two people." That will go to presbyteries for a necessary two-thirds ratification vote before it "sticks."

Many, many folks celebrated yesterday. Many did not. My discernment on this issue began some 30 years ago when my sister came out. Life was extraordinarily difficult for her. The question I remember her asking was, "Why would I choose to live this way?" Reading the gospels and studying the life of Christ, I decided if I was going to make a mistake, I was going to err on the side of inclusion and acceptance. Mark Achtemeier's speech to the Covenant Network beautifully articulates more of my journey as well.

Honestly, I am excited that we as a denomination have discerned a move toward full acceptance and inclusion. I also recognize the anguish on the other side because I have been on the "losing side" for the last 30 years. 

Where we still are together is centered in the providence of God, trusting in the sovereignty of God. That is a central part of our Presbyterian heritage. Again and again, when my children would ask why I didn't leave the church, I replied that I would forever work for what I saw as God's will, but that I would trust that God was working harder than I was, and I would be patient for God's time.

I still trust that sovereignty with my whole heart, with my whole life. Today I celebrate with the sure knowledge that if we are wrong God will correct us. Perhaps this is the correction. I know what I think, but my sure hope is not the decision of the PC(USA) or the even the "win" as "proof" of right thinking. 

My sure hope is in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit. My hope is in the Triune God who creates, rules, sustains, redeems, reconciles, and transforms all things and all people.  Thanks be to our God who constantly works on us and in us so that we might understand what God wants us to be and do.

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