Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Denial of Life...

Troy Davis was denied clemency "despite overwhelming evidence indicating that his conviction for murder is unreliable." For a long time, I resisted Calvin's understanding of "total depravity." I was a pretty nice person (and still am), and while not perfect (well, occasionally), certainly nowhere near total depravity.

But here I sit at my desk, unable to make a difference to what seems to be the very definition of injustice.  What harm would occur if we stayed the execution at the least?  Should we not be certain before the certainty of death overrules the possibility to error?  But should we even be putting someone to death?  How does that fit in "love God and love your neighbor," in "forgive 70 times 7?"

And while Troy Davis has the world's attention today, to whom have we also denied clemency in more subtle ways?  Do the people who cannot find work die a little every day as they stand at the bus stop and watch us sit in our cars at the Starbucks drive-through?  Do the children whose parents are never home because they must work two and three minimum wage jobs to keep a roof over their head and food on the table die a little every day when they can't get help with their homework or talk about their day with a parent who has energy to hear and advise?  Do those oppressed by the economy die a little every morning when they hear the latest pontifications by both sides of the fully employed, fully insured  political spectrum?  Do those serving our country at home and abroad die a little when they are notified of their third, or fourth, or fifth tour of duty away from their families?

Join a church, people say.  Be part of a supportive community that helps you through difficult times and supports you when you are hurting.  And that is gift beyond measure.  But commit to discipleship, and you will die a little every day.  The pain in the world overwhelms.  The brokenness stuns with its depth and resistance to change.  The human condition is, in fact, total depravity.  Never, it seems, can we solve all the problems that clamor for our attention.

Commit to discipleship, then you need that community of disciples--the community which holds up God's constant and abiding presence and work in the world,  the community which recognizes and shares new life and new hope, and, most importantly, the community which joins together to follow Jesus' way, God's way.

The powers in the state of Georgia say Davis is guilty...or maybe they say "the powers can't be wrong."  The system is more important than the individual.  The right is more important than the truth.  The power is more important than the person.  Perhaps those are comfortable choices for those of us living in total depravity.  But the twist is that Calvin's total depravity is immediately followed by unconditional grace.

Jesus challenged the system at every level.  And it got him killed.  But it didn't stop God's work in the world.  My personal stake in total depravity may well reside in the fact that I never can challenge the system at every level.  I forget.  I have too much homework.  I am distracted.  I am overwhelmed.  I am human.  God's grace reminds me that as part of the "body of Christ," my efforts will be graced.  The Kingdom will eventually come.

I am totally helpless to fix the Troy Davis situation.  But I know why we love our neighbors as ourselves...why we should be willing to put our own lives on the line for Troy Davis and every other human on the planet.  Because Jesus did.  And I today I will pray with tears in my eyes for forgiveness for my part in this pain.  And tomorrow I will get up and start again in my human limitation--trusting God's promise that unconditional grace will overcome total depravity.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hugh Prather wrote the following prayer in his book The Quiet Answer.
I release you from my hurt feelings.  I free you from my reading of your motives.  I withdraw my 'justified' outrage and leave you clean and happy in my mind.  In place of censure, I offer you all of God's deep contentment and peace.  I will perceive you singing, with a soft smile of freedom and a glow of rich satisfaction.  I bless you...You are a shining member of the Family of God, and I will wait patiently for this truthful vision to come honestly to my mind.
I find it helpful and have used it often in the week I have had it.  I actually printed it on a yellow card so I can find it quickly.  My favorite line, however, is the second half of the last line...I will wait patiently for this truthful vision to come honestly to my mind.  I am waiting.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jesus Daily...

I don't even know where I found this, but I wound up on a Facebook site called Jesus Daily.  Someone told me it was quite the popular site and I was curious what a Jesus Daily FB page might look like.  You can go there every day for a spiritual fix.

Not really.

I looked at about 50 days worth of posts and they were either us cheering for Jesus, Jesus cheering for us, or some kind of quiz to take.  Really?  The Jesus who commanded "take up your cross and follow me..." The Jesus who said "love your enemies," "do this to the least of these," "blessed are those who mourn"?

Jesus doesn't need a cheerleader.  Maybe we do.  I guarantee some days I would like one.  But I don't need a cheerleader for checking Facebook or reading a quiz.  I need a cheerleader for figuring out how to stay in relationship with people who make me crazy, for patience when change comes too slow, for persistence in serving when it feels like I don't have time or energy, for not letting busy-ness stop me from living as a disciple.  I didn't find any of that on Jesus Daily.

"I love Jesus" on Jesus Daily seems to mean that Jesus has my excited, passionate approval.  I think what Jesus wants is our excited, passionate commitment to his way of life.  That might be a Jesus Daily that changes the world...but I bet it doesn't get many hits on Facebook.