At a worship service deep in the south...really deep. The service focused on the text from Matthew 19 where Jesus suggests that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. The sermon was okay, the music was pretty good, but the lay commentary from a wealthy member who loves to hunt was the best interpretation of this text.
"It's not open season on the rich, it's open season on people who don't use their time and talents." Money is a gift that some people have. All of us have financial resources and a call to give generously in gratitude to God. Statistics show that the wealthiest American Christians give only .2% more of their income to charitable causes than the poorest American Christians...those who make up to 12,499 a year give 5.5% of their income (average) and those making $90,000+ give 5.7%. Everyone in between gives even less.
This wealthy member sees wealth as a responsibility and a gift. His perspective is that with great wealth comes great responsibility. That man is putting camels through needle eyes--and example for all of us.
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