Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quiet Times...

Not much to say today.  I've listened and read, keeping in mind I need a blog post.  Nothing.  Usually it's pretty easy to find a focus if you are listening, but not today.

As I sat down this morning, I heard a word.  Maybe preparation means being quiet sometimes.  Maybe today I need to listen instead of worrying about what to say...

The end.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. From my husband (after I corrected a mistaken omitted word...)
    "Here is what I think. It is a sign of our times, not a sign of God's time, that each day is expected to provide profound, life transforming, inspiration. Spiritual consumers and those of us who service them feel the pressure to make every place a "thin" place and every conversation or communication a revelation. We rightfully teach that Advent is for waiting, hoping, preparing, expecting... But some days we need to kick back and hear what what the prophets and teachers among us said last week or maybe even last year! If something can be said, chewed upon, digested, internalized and then expelled from the mind in a single twenty four hour period, maybe it was better left unsaid. "
