Friday, July 18, 2014


By far our most difficult day. We are digging ditches on two sides of a dirt "bridge" that allows us to haul the dirt up the mountain to dump it. We finally got one two-foot section on one side deep enough. The rest has to be dug out about 18 inches by 10 or twelve feet. The other side is almost complete shale rock...a hard muddy rock that will break eventually with a pick, but it is slow going. Many kids were tired. The FHPC contingent was pretty good at getting good sleep. Our bodies were another story. They adapt amazingly quickly, but none of us are used to this kind of physical labor. When progress is slow, difficult becomes excruciating. We slogged through the day, however, managing the last 30-minute stretch when they promised to let us go 30 minutes early.

To be blunt, today I was struck by the focus on the "me" and "us."  Devotionals focused on our needs, prayers thanked God for allowing us to come to Mexico to "help these people." Frankly, I wonder if they need our help. I feel much like the five year old who "helps" mom or dad in the garden. They do a bit, hopefully don't mess up too much, and get praised for their efforts.
The Americans requested that tomorrow's work be more fun. It will be, after all, July 4th. I don't even know what to say about that, except ask forgiveness from most of the world who work drudgery all day every day just to stay alive.

Oh, and we are here because they invited us to come. They wanted to meet us, to try and talk with us, to laugh at and with us because they understand much more English than we know they know. Bless these people, O Lord. They have shown abundant generosity and lived the gospel.

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