Sunday, April 5, 2015

Radical Hospitality...Easter!

I live an insignificant life by most standards. I don't make international treaties that halt nuclear proliferation. I don't do operations that save lives. I don't write important books or make laws that change the course of history.

But today is Easter...

I know this is true. I am a beloved child of God. I do nothing to earn this grace. I do nothing to keep it. It is radical hospitality at its core. Each of us, as we are, are beloved children of God. We may not even know that as reality. But it is a reality that cannot be changed. God has claimed each human being in history, knows our name, and loves us as God's own.

Today is Easter...

Today is enacted reality. This reality is so strong, people who struggle to connect with it otherwise are pulled toward Easter worship. The reality is so strong that the world takes it and turns it into shopping madness so that we forget to pay attention to the life-changing, world-changing love that would cut their profit and turn us away from the racks and back toward each other.

Where my life and God's love intersect, there is meaning. There is goodness. There is hope. I don't care about getting to heaven in the end, I need Easter reality in the here and now.

Today is Easter...

Easter names the miracle.We are beloved children of God. We see how it looks when it is played out in the life of Jesus. He made no international treaties. He did no operations. He wrote no books. He made no laws. He died a criminal. But he lived a child of God. And he changed history.

Humans have twisted the message, and I know you can argue the harm done in the name of "religion." But the reality of Easter is stronger. The hope of Easter is stronger. The promise of Easter is stronger.

Ultimately, love-God-love-your-neighbor will be stronger. Until then, I will live the promise, be radically hospitable even when the neighbors disapprove, and know that my significance lies in the unchangeable love that changes the world everyday.

Today is Easter!!!!

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