Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent: The Words of the Amen

Revelation 3:14-22...at first glance, not much of a celebration. But, that is why reading, sometimes, with a theme in mind makes you think twice, dig deeper.

The church at Laodicean is in trouble because they are celebrating. They are just celebrating the wrong thing. They celebrate their wealth, their prosperity, their lack of need. All the things they have earned by themselves, all the accomplishment they have achieved on their own, all their successes--they celebrate.

No mincing of words here. "You do not realize you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked." That should stir some folks up. What on earth does God mean? All you have to do is look around and see how well we are doing!

Jesus insists. The gold you need is mine. The white robes of purity, mine. The salve to anoint your eyes, from me. Remember this is all symbolic to the readers. Jesus wants a recognition that things of value are from God, not from our own efforts. I have a friend reading about the origins of the Moody Bible Institute in an American context that the movers and shakers at the top of society who held most of the wealth wanted a way to control the workers at the bottom. "Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps," was the plan. It would work for a few. Those could be held up as examples to the rest. And if you couldn't get to success, suddenly it was your own fault.

And Jesus stood over those celebrating their wealth and achievement and said, "You do not realize that your are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked." Celebrate the shalom that brings all to the table, that shares the resources, that credits God for the bounty instead of your own brilliance. Make it possible for all to come into the kingdom.

I think it's not a celebration until everyone is celebrating. Jesus says "I am standing at the door knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me." As those of us with wealth are congratulating ourselves on our accomplishments, we look at the poor and the struggling and we say, "Jesus is standing there knocking. Why don't you come in?" But Jesus is knocking for us. We are so busy celebrating our wealth and prosperity, we're missing the banquet in the Kingdom. It's not a celebration until all are celebrating.

"The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the origin of God's creation..." offer the true re-distribution of wealth. It's not about worldly riches, people--Jesus says. It's about discipleship that comes from God. And when you are celebrating God's gifts, no one gets left behind struggling with their boot-straps.

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