Friday, March 7, 2014

"Giving Up" Lent...

I didn't come from a faith background where "giving up things for Lent" was practiced. We preferred judgment. Seemed unnecessary to consider our own shortcomings when so many were available in others. I heard of Lent only from my Catholic friends, and then only in high school when we actually went to school together. They "gave stuff up." 

So what I never figured out was why that was significant in the life of a disciple. Perhaps if you stopped to pray every time you thought about chocolate…which would be pray without ceasing for some of us…perhaps your prayer life would be strengthened. But I only saw people talking about missing chocolate.

I can't think of a time when someone has "given up" gossip, talking back to parents, giving up time to do someone else's chore at home, or giving up tickets to their favorite sporting event to work at a shelter. I think the Triune God must have a headache from eye-rolling on our practice of Lent.

Today I'm giving up coffee with my husband. Well not really. We just can't get out of the house. I KNOW! Today I'm giving up winter weather! 

What I need to give up is the jealousy I feel when people get national attention for creative lists of service for Lent. I've created those lists for children and adults in my congregation for years. OK. This year, I'll give up jealousy. 

If you figure out how to do that…let me know. Maybe that's why we give up chocolate instead. It's easier for one. And we get it back when Lent is over. 

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