Thursday, March 27, 2014


Missed a day…but in my defense, I was being re-defined. First, a permanent crown. My husband says I should think of it as my coronation for "ruler of the world." I think it is just a bit of hell on earth. Whatever it is…I am crowned.

I am also now the parent of an engaged child. That happened last night. So we have a son-in-law to be, and a set of "new family" that redefines who we are.

You'd think at our age (which, of course, isn't far from 32 ish), we'd be pretty completely defined. After so many years, you'd think we would move toward completion. Not true. Every day is a new variable, a new experience, a new way of being. Every day we are re-defined.

Our Lenten hope, our Lenten journey, is our plea to the God who loves us to insure that our re-definitions move us toward God's will, God's kingdom, God's redemption for the whole creation.

Not many of us like this redefinition process. We'd often just like a bit of a break from the constant change (great oxymoron…constant change…). But if we have to be re-defined, let's do it toward health and wholeness and peace for creation.

For me, that means more sons and daughters in law and fewer crowns…OK?

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